Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Ages of Pericles

Who was Pericles and How important was Pericles to Ancient Greece?
Pericles Pio-Clementino Inv269 n2.jpg
Born in 495 B.C.
Died in 429 B.C.

Pericles, whose name means "Surrounded by Glory" is referred to as the 1st citizen of Athens.Pericles was from a prominent Greek family whose wealth afforded him the opportunity to pursue his education.

In his time, Pericles was a General in the Golden Ages of Athens, ancient Greece and was known for being a distinguished statesman as well as an eloquent speaker. One of his most famous speeches is the Funeral Oration given in 431 after the the Peloponnesian War. In essence he helped develop the prominence of the Greek Empire.

In his early years of life he was dedicated to his education and the arts. He received an excellent education in Math and Music. At an early age with a large inheritance, he produced a stage play by Aeschylus’ The Persae. Furthering his love for the Arts.
By his mid 20's he funded Festival of Dionysus, which honored the God Dionysus with theatrical performances.

He is credited with the building project of the Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens. Which commenced in 447 B.C. and was completed in 438 B.C.

The Parthenon

He had such a grand impact on the Athenian culture that his fellow statesman Thucydides coined the term of the 1st citizen of Athens.

Questions to think about
1. What was Pericles mostly known for?
2. What were his contributions to the arts?
3. How is he important to Ancient Greece?


  1. Pericles was known for being a general and also for being the first Athenian citizen. He contributed to Athens landscape and art by creating the Parthenon. He was important to ancient Greece cause he was a g\neral and creator of Parthenon.

  2. It was a smart choice using open-ended questions for the assignment. It is allowing the students to expand in their responses. I enjoyed the bright picture you used of Pericles where he looks as if he is giving a speech to the people exactly how you described it. The picture is a good example to represent what you wrote!

  3. Overall I enjoyed your blog. The open-ended questions will really get the students thinking and will allow them to get involved. The pictures that you have are very catching to the eye.

  4. I like your addition of pictures to go along with the text. It helps to visualize what you are talking about. The text you chose to use gave a great overview without getting too technical. This will help the students to appropriately answer the questions you asked.

  5. I feel like this was the perfect amount of content. You also had plenty of info in your links for anyone who had strong interest in the subject.

  6. Pericles is an interesting topic, you included just the right amount of content. I like the pictures and the background, they go together. Maybe you can edit the spacing to get rid of the big space between stuff, I did not realize I had to scroll down at first. :)

  7. You gave much information about Pericles and who he was. I liked how you also included extra links. I agree with Greg with just fixing the big space between content but other than that very good !
